Emergence by Lawrence Blatt

EmegenceThe conceptual foundation of award winning guitarist Lawrence Blatt’s new CD, Emergence is one of the most interesting I’ve heard in a while. The blending of science and music is not often found, but for Lawrence, who studied both microbiology

Closer by Louis Colaiannia

CloserWith the title of award winning pianist Louis Colaiannia’s previous album being The Next Stage, and his latest release titled Closer, it certainly sounds like he is on a trajectory towards reaching his musical goal. However, after listening to

Day Star by Jonn Serrie

Jonn Serrie coverThe earth has made many trips around the sun, twenty-seven to be exact, since as a budding new age music journalist, I wrote a review of Jonn Serrie’s now-classic debut album, And The Stars Go With You, back in

Inspired by Bryan Carrigan

bryan-carrigan-inspiredI’ve been a fan of Bryan Carrigan’s exquisitely crafted music for some time and was very much looking forward to hearing the latest addition to his ever-expanding catalog – now his fifth solo release. While I, and many others are

Souvenirs by Christine Brown

Souvenirs-coverThere’s an old saying: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Although for pianist/ composer Christine Brown, it might be more appropriate to say: “When life gives you lemons, make music.” This is not to say that all of her