Zia by Alexi Musnitsky

ZIAWhile many contemporary music genres are aimed at and draw from younger people and performers, some in their teens or barely out of them, the new age genre tends to resonate primarily with a, shall we say, more “mature” crowd.

Longitudes & Latitudes by Lawrence Blatt

cover_of_cd_llIt’s been about two and a half years since I had the pleasure of writing about guitarist/composer Lawrence Blatt’s excellent previous release, Emergence. That feature article contained a good deal of information about Lawrence’s musical background, so readers who

Spiritual Haven by Russell Suereth

Russell-Suereth-CD-Cover-Spiritual-Haven-FrontRussell Suereth (pronounced sue – reth) is a composer/ recording artist with a vision. In fact, many visions, which we’ll soon see. As the title of his third and latest release implies, expressing and fostering universal spirituality is motivating force

Where Butterflies Dance by Ann Sweeten

412219LNgpL._SS280I’m always happy to receive a new recording from internationally renowned, chart-topping, award-winning pianist/composer Ann Sweeten. Previously, I’ve written about 3 of her earlier releases including 2 CD’s: In The Wakeand Tapestries of Time, as well a DVD

Tapestries of Time by Ann Sweeten

Tapestries of TimeAs guitarist/songwriter Steve Miller sang in one of his many radio classics: “Time keeps on ticking… into the future.” The subject of time is one that has intrigued artists, musicians, and writers, inspiring them to create reflections of its mysteries.

Journey Home by Raphael Groten

RaphaelGrotenCDCover-300x267Although Raphael Groten has been playing guitar for 30 years, Journey Home is his debut solo recording on the instrument. But as the saying goes: “Good things are worth waiting for,” and Raphael has made up for lost time by